Lot 125® Top 5 Benefits
1) Lot 125 Reducts Soil Compaction
Lot 125® is a sequestering compound and as such, it is able to break the bond of sodium and magnesium with clay particles in heavy soils. Thus, it reduces the tightness and compaction of the soil, enabling it to be more easily tilled. The resultant open friable soil sustains better water movement through it and increases the aeration of the soil.
This produces better root structure in plants, which in turn are more capable of resisting drought.
2) Lot 125® Frees Tied-up Nutrients
Phosphorus is essential to the early growth of plants. Calcium is important for the formation of plant cell walls and helps the plant develop disease resistance. Iron is essential in the production of chlorophyll. Formation of iron phosphate and calcium phosphate in the soil does occur in highly alkaline soils, sandy soils and soils where heavy rainfall occurs.
Iron phosphate and calcium phosphates are insoluble and thus unavailable for the plant nutrition. Lot 125® can break the bond between phosphorus, iron and calcium in soil. Once the chemical bond is broken, the phosphorus, iron and calcium all become more available to the plant.
3) Lot 125® Speeds Seed Germination
Lot 125® stimulates seed germination and initial growth. A good deal of research has gone into this area because of the ever-increasing usage of pre-germinated seeds and fluid gel seeding. Rates as low as 0.01% cause seeds to germinate eight to ten days sooner, producing a stronger seedling, that better resists insects and disease attacks.
4) Lot 125® Improves Biological Action
Lot 125® fractions act to effect biological stimulation of growth in that they serve as substrates for microorganisms. This stimulatory action has been observed with the beneficial soil microorganisms such as actinomycetes, algae, azotobacter, rhizobium and micorrhizae. All of these organisms work with the plant root to make nutrients more available to the plant.
Lot 125® is capable of increasing this activity by providing carbon to these organisms.
5) Lot 125® Enhances Fertilizer
Since Lot 125® substances are polyelectrolyes and macro-ionic in nature, they tend to increase the osmotic process.
This increase in ion exchange capability leads to a greater uptake of nutrients into the plant root and through the cell membrane.
Lot 125® substances promote the conversion of mineral elements into forms available to plants.
An example of this is the ability of to break the bond between the phosphate ion and the iron ion in acid soils or the calcium ion and iron ion in alkaline soils.
By breaking this bond, the elements become available to the plant. Lot 125® increases zinc uptake and increases the movement of both calcium and magnesium in the soil.
Our proprietary Lot 125® solution is a unique blend of Humic and Fulvic Acids and Enzymes derived from our proprietary processes.
Biolynceus®, LCC provides a variety of complex nutrient based mixes to assure the right blend of essential nutrients and micronutrients are available.
Read These Powerful Lot 125® Testimonials
Check Out Our Short Lot 125® Webinar
Read These Examples of Lot 125® Working in Several Applications
Revegetating Mine Waste Using Lot 125®
Revegetation is a powerful tool used to retain mine drainage and stabilize waste rock piles after mining activities. However, promoting plant growth on mine waste rock pilescan be challenging. These environments typically have limited topsoil development and steep...
How to Save the Turf at Your City Park
Turf and Landscaping 11.5 Acres The Parks Department in a Wyoming municipality conducted a study on 11.5 acres of city park turf to determine the effects of biologically enhanced soil amendments on plant and soil health. BioLynceus® Lot 125® and Seaweed Cream® were...
How to Revitalize Your Local Golf Course with Lot 125®
Turf and Landscaping 150 Acres A golf course in the Colorado Front Range was having trouble growing healthy turf. The site was previously used for agriculture and sod production. Because of this, the golf course had variable soil conditions with little to no topsoil...
[ Webinar ] – Lot 125®
https://youtu.be/26a9aT0jRJ8 Resident expert, Scott Anderson, shares how Lot 125® works with the soil food web for healthy soils and crops. This is a short video that lasts less than 5 minutes.
How Lot 125® Can Help Plants Receive Needed Sulfur
Carbon-bonded S is mineralized through various pathways:1. Direct aerobic mineralization during the oxidation of C as an energy source2. Anaerobic mineralization of organic matter (desulfurization)3. Incomplete oxidation of organic S into inorganic S compounds4....
Lot 125 Provides Mega Millions of Microbes
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